Monday, September 10, 2007

Rememberance of September 11th

As I consider what tomorrow brings it makes me remember many things. Tomorrow would have been my sister Sherrie's birthday. It also makes me think of what happened to America on that day in 2001. How we were attacked by terrorists.
I remember back when "Desert Storm"was going on. At that time we could show our support to our troops by writing to Any Service Member. I did this and sent packages with tapes I made with patriotic songs (mostly rock n roll songs) I conversed with many a soldiers that way. But after 2001 we were no longer able to write to any soldier. You had to have a specific name and address for security reasons. I completely understand why for the soldiers safety this had to change but still it saddens me to not be able to show them that we are behind them and support them. So I have been wanting to find different avenues to show our support for them.
One way... our homeschool support group takes names from the mom's in our group who have soldiers and we send packages. But there has to be more ways so I am going to research this and will post what I find on this blog at a later date.

I have decided to make a list on the side of my blog for ways to show your support. I will continue to add to the list as I find things.

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