Friday, April 25, 2008

Don't Let Our Troops Down!

We have been doing this since September.  It has been a wonderful experience for our family!  I encourage you to do this and tell others about it too.  Sending a card once a week to a soldier cost so little but means so much!

The following came from the Adoptaplatoon Organization:
Now that the holidays are over, support has dropped considerably, but our Troops continue to be deployed and they continue to serve on our behalf. PLEASE consider supporting a Soldier or two. Mail is so important to these men and women who serve so proudly and it truly has a positive effect on their morale when they know they have not been forgotten! If you can pen-pal with a soldier and send letters, cards and news from home contact the Apoptaplatoon orgainzation. If you chose the option to adopt a soldier and send a MONTHLY CARE PACKAGE, please know that what you send does not have to be expensive....Gum, candy, toiletries, a pair of socks, plus a letter or card means more to a soldier than words could ever describe. Again, just knowing they stand for "Mail Call" and have their named called for mail is valuable to them

Also, please spread the news about AdoptaPlatoon and ask friends, family, co-workers to visit our website and join in our efforts to "stand behind our nation's Heroes". Call your family, friends, co-workers, community leaders, your neighbors and let them know that our Troops need them! Guide everyone to the AAP website at the Adopt A Platoon web site and ask them to sign up using our application process. Contact everyone you know and tell them that Our Troops sacrifice everything in their service to our Nation... Let's make sure that we never let our Troops down!

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